
Frequently Asked Questions

What are Sports Stock CFDs?

Sports stocks are CFDs based on professional sports people. Our platform offers 500 of sports players to trade.  The sports CFDs are classified as alternative assets as they are not an equity, bond or commodity. Other alt-assets include stamps, old coins or cryptocurrencies!

How are players priced for trade?

We have specialized over 500+ data points are monitored in real time to design the pricing of the sports & players. This allows to everyone to buy, hold or sell options individual players they know & follow

Can I trade sports stocks CFD's now?

Yes you can traded sports stocks through our platform.

What trading terms do you provide?

It allows for a 100:1 Leverage . The trading commision is 0.10% for a day for long& short positions.

How do you make players into CFDs?

Speialized algorithms are used to get data & to create tradable indices which puts a price on sports people.The player indices allow everyone to buy, hold or sell options on the individual players they know and follow

Why would I want to trade players & sports

Its all about trading at the end, the difference is that you may know more about sports than you do about some financial products, then it is a the right point you can invest using your knowledge & trade the players in teams you follow. & it is like all financial products you do it to make money (but need to be aware you can lose money.)

How can I start trading CFD's

 You are put on your own choice in selcting your favourite player & trade based on the palayer performance.


Am I possible to trade sports CFD's with other CFD's

Yes , you can.

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